Faculty Fawad Khan 2

Fawad Khan

  • Military College of Signals
  • 05133264

Mr. Fawad Khan has been working as Faculty member at RCMS since 2013 and has been posted to MCS on 1st August 2022. He completed his MS in Computer Software Engineering with specialization in Optical Networks from Military College of Signals (MCS),NUST

Academic Background
MS (Optical Networks) NUST, Islamabad January 01, 2004 - December 31, 2007
Honours and Awards
Gold Medal GOLD MEDAL was awarded to me by MR. R. ZAKIR MAHMOOD, the then PRESIDENT & CEO, HBL for securing FIRST POSITION in the B.E(S.E) University Degree Examinations on 20-06-2006. June 20, 2006
Gold Medal Another GOLD MEDAL was awarded to me by the then DR. ATTA-UR-REHMAN, FEDERAL MINISTER & CHAIRMAN HEC, for securing FIRST POSITION in the B.E(S.E) University Degree Examinations on 11-05-2006. May 11, 2006
Best Teacher of RCMS-2015 I won the Best Teacher Award for the Academic Year 2015-2016 at Research Center for Modeling and Simulation (RCMS), NUST. I was also awarded with the "Best Teacher Certificate" and a cash prize of Rs. 75,000. January 17, 2019
PMO Coordinator Peoplelogic Pakistan Pvt Ltd January 01, 2008 - February 01, 2013