Researches Software and Information Engineering Group

Software and Information Engineering Group


The Software and Information Engineering Group is dedicated to advancing technologies and methodologies for the efficient and effective construction of systems within the broader domain of software and information engineering.

Our expertise lies in undertaking and supervising projects across three core areas: developing new software (forward engineering), analyzing and understanding existing software (reverse engineering), and modifying existing systems (refactoring and reengineering). These activities are conducted with a primary focus on delivering high-quality software. To achieve this, we emphasize the importance of Software Evaluation and Auditing (SEA).

Under SEA, our group investigates underdeveloped software projects or operational systems facing quality challenges. It is common practice for organizations to engage two independent teams—one for software development and another for quality assurance. Through our rigorous SEA process, we provide actionable recommendations to address and resolve quality issues in software systems.

Additionally, we are actively exploring Blockchain-based solutions, both at the application level and within system design. Our group has successfully executed numerous projects and training programs focused on Blockchain technology.

1.   Research Areas

  • Software Development Methods
  • Software Modelling and Simulation
  • Model-Based Driven Software Engineering
  • Component-Based Software Development
  • Generative Model
  • Software Quality Engineering
  • Software Engineering for Human-computer interactions
  • Web Services
  • Cloud Computing
  • Information Engineering and Management
  • Blockchain-based solution
  • Fintech

2.   Group Members

S/No Name Designation​ Specialization Contact Details
a. Dr. Javed Iqbal Associate Professor Smart IoT, Content-centric Networking, Software Defined Networking, Cloud Computing, WSN and Smart IoT [email protected]
b. Dr. Muhammad Sohail Assistant Professor Software Engineering/ Software Defined Networks [email protected]
c. Dr. Ayesha Naseer Assistant Professor Information Systems Management, Big Data Analytics,

Incident Response, Agility

[email protected]
d. Dr. Nazia Bibi Lecturer Software Engineering,  Deep learning, Infomation retrieval, [email protected]

3. Publications

  • Zabeehullah et al., “DQQS: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Technique for Enhancing Security and Performance in SDN-IoT Environments,” in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 60568-60587, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3392279.
  • Iqbal, J.; Abideen, Z.u.; Ali, N.; Khan, S.H.; Rahim, A.; Zahir, A.; Mohsan, S.A.H.; Alsharif, M.H. An Energy Efficient Local Popularity Based Cooperative Caching for Mobile Information Centric Networks. Sustainability 2022, 14, 13135.
  • M Sohail, L Wang, R Ali, S Rahim, J Yao, “Efficient data handover and intelligent information assessment in software‐defined vehicular social networks”, in IET Intelligent Transport Systems 13 (12), 1814-1821

3. PhD Students

  • Abdullah Tariq
  • Maria Ahmad
  • Mehak Sheikh
  • Raheel Abbasi
  • Zabeehulla
  • Hafiza Tehmina

4.   Research Group Facilities

  • Programming Lab
  • Computer Networking Lab

Contact Persons

Dr. Javed Iqbal ([email protected])