Lab Facilities

Department of Information Security, Military College of Signals (MCS) has state-of-the-art lab facilities and resources to enhance the learning, teaching, and working environment. However, access to the computing and network environment at MCS is to be used in effective, ethical, and lawful ways that support the values of the College. Students of the IS department have access to state-of-the-art laboratories dedicated to cryptography, network security, embedded systems, and electronics-related tasks. The department is connected with Data Center (MIS Cell) and other departments through an optic fiber cable for high-speed access. The lab manuals/documentation/instructions are available for all courses that are taught in their respective labs.

S# Name of Lab Type Total Capacity Curriculum
1. Information Security Lab (Dedicated) Research/Teaching 41 All courses related to core Information Security and basic computer sciences
2. Cryptographic Design Engineering Lab (Dedicated) Teaching 41 All courses related to cryptography, mathematics and basic engineering
3. Network Security Lab (Dedicated) Teaching 41 Courses related to Network Security
4. Digital Forensics Lab (Dedicated Teaching 41 Courses related to Computer and Network Forensics
5. Information Security Research Lab (Dedicated) Research 41 Research Lab for UG/ PG Students
6. Electronics Lab 1 (Shared) Teaching 50 All courses related to electrical engineering and electronics
7. Digital Logic Design Lab (Shared) Teaching 50 Digital Logic course
8. Physics Lab (Shared) Teaching 50 Physics experiments